
Social responsibility 

  Promote the coordinated and harmonious development of the company and society

Employee's rights

  1. The standard recruitment system. The company implements the labor contract system, in accordance with the labor contract law of the People's Republic of China or less or greater and its related laws and regulations, strictly implements national labor system, labor protection system, the social security system and social insurance system, in accordance with the regulations of the state and local government requirements, for the enterprise staff pay social endowment insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, inductrial injury insurance, birth insurance.

  2. Attention to employees' personal growth and health of body and mind. Company has a professional trainer, not to organize regular staff training and coaching, developing company sports and outdoor activities, enrich employees' spare life, enhance the company cohesion and centripetal force.

Other related benefit protection

  Fully respect and maintenance staff, partners, customers, society group interests and the legitimate rights and interests, actively cooperate with stakeholders, strengthen communication and exchanges with all parties, shareholders, employees, society and so on coordination and balance of the interests of all parties.

  Company specifications, follow the enterprise spirit and brothers, partners, owner works together, win-win cooperation. Together with the social rule of good faith; Get along with people from all walks of life. In internal advocate for employees to build a harmonious business environment and cultural atmosphere.

  1. Standard employee behavior, to establish a good ethos of the simple clean, diligent dedication, the company developed a series of moral behavior rules, organize employee earnestly study rickey construction regulations (employee handbook), abide by professional ethics and code of conduct of the company.
  2. The company a month to carry out the design skills training, education work, laws and regulations of different divisions of the company management behavior and business guidance and supervision, in accordance with the management to improve career to obey the law.
  3. Be directed from the daily consciousness, behavior, education, daily conduct strict requirements.

通河县| 高青县| 上虞市| 区。| 东乡| 宽甸| 崇信县| 鄱阳县| 青浦区| 沙河市| 霍城县| 云安县| 化德县| 曲松县| 吉水县| 吴旗县| 济宁市| 藁城市| 济南市| 子洲县| 定兴县| 孟州市| 嘉鱼县| 安龙县| 阿克苏市| 亳州市| 林甸县| 舟山市| 富阳市| 鹿邑县| 永和县| 图片| 高州市| 新丰县| 新干县| 塘沽区| 石阡县| 繁峙县| 桃江县| 宽甸| 阜阳市|